After seeing early footage of this title and being a huge Sam Jackson fan, I reserved it. Then I thought that perhaps I should actually watch the first season to make sure I would be interested in it. I bought it and quickly found myself wishing two things: First being that I watched it sooner and second that the game would hurry up and get here already! With that being said, you can see my expectations were pretty high for this game.
Visually, Afro Samurai looks like the Anime in which it is based. Using cel- shading to capture the unique style of the universe as well as varied multi-angled cut scenes. It looks like you’re watching the series and really adds to the immersion factor.
Now to what is important, it looks good but how does it play? Well, Here is where the game starts to lose it’s luster for me. First and foremost it is a third person action game where you face tons of enemies and basically hack and slash your way through them. Nothing wrong with a hack and slash title, they have their place and there are times that is exactly what I want to play. There are a few “Go pull this lever then find and press another lever” moments but nothing complicated like a God of War or Prince of Persia puzzle which takes some thought to get through. There are combo moves that you learn and unlock along the way, but let’s be honest, you don’t need them and many times they end up leaving you vulnerable after you try them. So I just used the basic attacks and the occasional block or kick to progress through the game. There are boss battles, which typically are one on one and is one of the bright points of gameplay." -Bombmatt"
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