Friday, February 27, 2009
Ninja Blade Demo Download Coming March 9th.

Monday, February 23, 2009
Xbox 720 Coming Soon: 2011-2012?

Xbox 720 is by no means the name of the next system, nor is it even suggesting that there is a new system in the works even. With an upgrade like the Xbox 720 there would be a huge boost in the Microsoft stock. The Xbox 720 will have a lot to live up too however. Robbie Bach, the President of Entertainment & Devices Division at Microsoft, said on June 13th, 2008:
“Our view is we will be selling Xbox 360 for a long time. We are always working on new technologies. We have people working on those. People ask me how many people I have working on the next generation. On the one hand, it’s everybody. On the other, it’s nobody. People are continuously working on new technology.
We started thinking about the next generation before we shipped the Xbox 360. It doesn’t start with a date. It starts way upstream with silicon development. From that comes a series of data points. You start making early technology choices. It’s an evolving thing. Stuff doesn’t become concrete until you get inside a window of when you have to ship, more than 18 months or so out.”
As you can see, they plan to make big money by waiting a long time to sell a lot of xbox 360. After that, they plan to launch the Xbox 720.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Noby Noby Boy Trophy Tips - Get Them All
Bronze Trophies
Take 10 inhabitants for a ride.
I did this on the level full of animals and little elves. Stretch out as far as you can and just hold it till the trophy pops up.
Eat 20 inhabitants.
This is interesting to get, grow out to around 100m and start eating people. (tap L2 when close and facing them) Once you have the 20 the trophy will pop up, and yes you have to have them all at once.
Stretch BOY to a length of 100m.
Very easy to get, hold the sticks in opposite directions till the trophy pops up. You can go off the edge with out any worry and if you start in the middle can still grow out past the actual level.
Bye-Bye BOY
Meet up with Bye-Bye BOY.
Real easy, when you are done make sure you quit the game using the house and you will get this trophy. The game will tell you when to use the PS button.
The BOY House
Rotate the roof of the BOY House.
Hop into your house and slowly move the right stick in a circle and this should pop up soon.
The Space Squirrel
Find the Space Squirrel.
At any time hold up on the left stick and hit the start button. Float up and report your length to the girl and you will get this trophy. This one can be done at the same time as 765 if you want to do them at the same time feel free.
BOY Quiz Expert
Answer all questions correctly in the BOY Quiz.
I am not sure if someone can actually not get this trophy unless they never start up the game. Simple enough, start the game and complete the tutorial. You answer by using the button in question.
Silver Trophies
Report a length of exactly 765m to GIRL.
This is a more technical trophy. To start of this does not have to be your current length, it is the total length you will be reporting to the Girl (see The Space Squirrel).
1. First thing you need to do is hold right on your left stick and hit start. This will bring up the stats pages, From the first page that pops up you can see at the top your unreported length. At the bottom is your current length, leaving this up while you stretch is a good idea, you don’t have to but you can play with this screen up.
2. Stretch out using the sticks and when you are at about 100m click in and hold the sticks to shrink back down
3. When you are getting close to 765 you might want to try locking down your right side (hold down R2 and don’t move your stick) and just stretch out very little with the left stick to get down only getting one meter at a time. Also make sure you are shrunk down at a close number, when shrinking fast you will rebound and bounce around causing yourself to stretch when you don’t want to and could cause yourself to go over 765
4. Once 765 has been hit let go of every button, hit start once, then hold up and start to get to the sun so you can report you length, make sure it is 765 again there then go ahead and report it. Poof, a trophy.
The Prince
Take the Prince for a ride.
For this one you are searching for an all green level that is inhabited by what appear to be Eskimos and koala bears. Once you find this level make sure you see the katamaris falling from the sky and start looking for the prince. You don’t want to stretch out to far because he is small and you wont be able to see him if you are zoomed out to far. Once you find him stretch out a bit then follow him around till he hops on and poof, trophy for you.
Make BOY’s body grow thicker while keeping his head small.
On any level stretch out as far as you can on the level then eat everything in site till you can’t hold anything else inside. at this time hold L3 in until you are back to the starting length. Repeat this untill the trophy pops up for you, it may take a while.
Combined Character
Create a combined character by eating an animal and a human or a fruit and a human.
Eat only one human and one animal or fruit. Tap R2 to pop them out and you should get the trophy
Gold Trophy
Eat Your Words!
Eat the words NOBY NOBY BOY within the manual or in the staff credits.
Hit select to bring up your manual, tap L2 under the “About NOBY NOBY BOY” line. Once at this section position yourself above the section where there are no words and tape triangle once. now you will interact with words on the screen. When you hold down L2 in this mode you will eat the words on the screen, so now all you have to do is eat “NOBY NOBY BOY” IN ORDER and you will get this trophy.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Flower (PS3) - Game Review

You are the wind. You begin with one petal from a flower. As you maneuver through the game, every flower you touch blooms, a musical note sounds, and you collect another petal until you become a very impressive string of petals riding the wind. Don’t worry that’s not ALL there is to it.
The first few levels of the game are very calm. Soothing music plays in the background while you glide through individually animated blades of grass that react realistically to your presence as you move in search of new flowers to bloom. As you bloom flowers you revive the land from dead browns to brilliant greens. The calm leads to a false sense of security as the game takes a dark and ominous twist. Once in level four, there are dangers to your petals that will increase your heart rate while you smoke and twist in the wind.
I called this game a work of art, not just because it is visually stunning, and an incredible piece of animation, but most importantly because this game was able to evoke emotions in me. First calm, then anxious and fearful, then they round it out nicely with wonder and joy. I really enjoyed playing this game. Is it worth $10? Absolutely… it IS short, but well worth the play. I personally will be watching for expansion packs in the future. I won’t tell you how the game ends but I will tell you its worth playing to the end to find out.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection: Game Review

In my younger years there was a very special game of poker going on between father and son. For the final hand there was a big bet made. If the father wins the son is doing all the yard work for the year with no allowance. If the son wins the father is buying the son a Sega Master System. Lets just say I (the son) won and will never get a straight flush again in my life. But I ramble on.
Just so you know I will not be going into graphics with this game. Lets face it, old 8 and 16 bit games were awesome then but not so much now.
This game launched with 40 retro games for your enjoyment. I will list them at the bottom of the story so I don’t take up much space here. One interesting thing about pulling out he old system and playing it is that there are only 2-4 buttons and a D-pad. For me when I am playing the old games on the original system, everything just feels wrong; the controller is different and odd feeling. I really liked playing these games on my PS3 because I am already used to the controller. It also seems like the game reaction time from when you hit a button on the controller is better than the old system. I have no idea what this plays like on the Xbox 360, I like to play these games with the D-pad I went straight for the PS3 version over the 360 because (it’s no secret) the 360 D-pad SUCKS.
Going back and playing Sonic, Columns, and Streets of Rage was great. I had forgotten what the games were like and how good they are. If those aren’t enough there are other unlockable games from Sega’s past. I almost cried when I saw that Phantasy Star from the Sega Master System was unlockable.
The game allows you to change the buttons, adjust screen size for the widescreen folks, and has save states. Save states, if you don’t know, are a way to save what is going on in a game at that very moment. So if you are playing in Sonic the Hedgehog, a game that on the Genesis had no way of saving, you can save your progress. Makes it a little better on games like that because sometimes I want to just play a level then drop it. Now I can keep my place.
Flower Trophy List - Get them All-PS3

WARNING: The following descriptions may spoil the end of the game for you. Also the descriptions are VERY vague. We don’t know how to get them yet; we will put up a guide as soon as we can.
Reminisce for the three minutes before returning to the room.
Use the grass as your canvas and paint the round with three different colors.
Play with the windmills and ride the wind seven times.
Light a darkened pool.
Journey to the city unscathed.
Release all of the names to the sky.
Life could be simple…
*Welcome Back
Play the game after a week long break.
*Healthy Play
Take a ten minute break between any dreams.
The dream has just started…
Find and bloom a secret flower.
Bloom 10,ooo flowers.
Completely awaken the city.
Beyond all flowers lies another room.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Free Golden Hammerburst Download for gow2

I know what you are saying, "I need 99999 Microsoft points to get one, this isn't free". Your wrong. It is just a bug. try downloading it. If you can't download it and need some Microsoft points, go to the free xbox live gold membership website and it will teach you how to get free ms points. So you are getting it free, if you get the free Microsoft points. Don't buy a code on eBay or from a friend, get it for FREE!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Playstation 3 Backwards Compatibility Demystified

Early systems featured physical Playstation 2 hardware on board which was more reliable and had a higher rate of compatibility with legacy titles. Since August 2007 all models of PS3 achieve backwards compatibility with PS2 titles through software emulation, which has a lower compatibility rate.
ALL models of PS3’s have hardware compatibility for PSOne games, including current SKU’s.
20GB Launch System - November 2006 (DISCONTINUED)
* PSOne and PS2 Backward Compatible (Hardware)
* NO SD/Memory Stick Slots
* NO Wireless Networking
* 4 USB Ports
60GB Launch System - November 2006 (DISCONTINUED)
* PSOne and PS2 Backward Compatible (Hardware)
* SD/Memory Stick Slots
* 802.11b/g Wireless Network Adapter
* 4 USB Ports
40GB - October 2007 (DISCONTINUED)
* PSOne Backward Compatible ONLY (Hardware)
* NO SD/Memory Stick Slots
* 802.11b/g Wireless Network Adapter
* 2 USB Ports
Although discontinued, at the time of this writing, I’ve still seen them on store shelves.
80GB Motorstorm/MGS Bundle - August 2007 (DISCONTINUED)
* PSOne Backward Compatible (Hardware)
* PS2 Backward Compatible (Software)
* SD/Memory Stick Slots
* 802.11b/g Wireless Network Adapter
* 4 USB Ports
Although discontinued, at the time of this writing, I’ve still seen them on store shelves.
80GB ‘CORE Pack’ - August 2008
* PSOne Backward Compatible ONLY (Hardware)
* NO SD/Memory Stick Slots
* 802.11b/g Wireless Network Adapter
* 2 USB Ports
160GB Uncharted Bundle - November 2008
* PSOne Backward Compatible ONLY (Hardware)
* NO SD/Memory Stick Slots
* 802.11b/g Wireless Network Adapter
* 2 USB Ports
Monday, February 9, 2009
Free Golden Lancer Assault Rifle Download for gow2

I know what you are saying, "I need 99999 Microsoft points to get one, this isn't free". Your wrong. It is just a bug. try downloading it.
If you can't download it and need some Microsoft points, go to the free xbox live codes website which will also teach you how to get free microsoft points. So you are getting it free, if you get the free Microsoft points. Don't buy a code on eBay or from a friend, get it for FREE!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Cuboid PS3 Trophy Tips - Get Them All

Explore the Dark Art of Cuboid Trophy Mastery inside.We’re not going to give you a walk-through of every level… we’re lazy, and you should want to enjoy this game. Provided you solve all the puzzles, you’ll get all the Trophies except the ones listed below.And here’s how you get THOSE unlocked.
Bronze Master
Collect 20 bronze medals in Expert or 30 in Beginner mode
See ‘Speed Master’.
Silver Master
Collect 15 silver medals in Expert or 20 in Beginner mode
See ‘Speed Master’.
Gold Master
Collect 10 gold medals in Expert or 15 in Beginner mode
See ‘Speed Master’.
Speed Master
Complete 20 levels with lightning speed
See "Speed Master"
Abyss (hidden)
50 falls
This one should be a no-brainer, but in case you didn’t figure it out: start a level and keep rolling your Cuboid off the edge. When your Cuboid is placed back on the playing field, rinse and repeat. Seriously… it doesn’t take long.
Determined (hidden)
Spent 8 hours playing Cuboid
Cheap and easy: just before going to bed, make sure you don’t have Power Save on for your controllers (it’s in your Options menu for the PS3, NOT the game), launch Cuboid and start a map… don’t finish it. Plug your controller into your PS3 using a USB cable (so it doesn’t run out of power) and… go to bed. Provided you’ve been playing at all, and that you get roughly eight hours of sleep, you’ll wake up with the Trophy. Whoring at it’s most basic.
Silver Trophies
Complete 15 levels in a row without falling
This Trophy isn’t terribly hard. You should attempt this Trophy when you’re not working on anything else in the game (like trying to get a Lighting speed rating). Take it slow, double check each move before you make it, and just play the game.
Burnout Paradise Party Pack Game Review

Visually stunning, suspiciously addicting (possibly laced with nicotine?), and supported by its developer WELL after it’s release, Burnout Paradise is a game that never gets old, and deserves a place in everyone’s collection.
Get our take on the downloadable add-on for Criterion’s Burnout Paradise.
This new expansion (available for download, $9.99 U.S., PS3 and XBox 360) adds an entirely new ‘game’ to Burnout Paradise, although it is built on the same framework.
The Party Pack essentially turns Burnout into a party game, in the vein of Mario Party, or Wario Ware. Up to 8 players can compete using a single controller, each taking a turn, then passing to the next player.
Each game is split into 1 to 8 rounds, with each round comprised of a challenge that all players must complete or compete in.
‘Skill’ challenges involve ‘who can do the most’ given a certain set of goals and conditions. An example would be: ‘Get the highest drift distance while your boost and accelerator are locked on’. All Skill challenges are timed, and many will end prematurely if you crash. At the end of the round, points towards the overall game are doled out based on which player did the best, with the lowest ranked player receiving zero points for that round.
‘Stunt’ challenges have each player attempting to pull off a specific move. The way these challenges are set up, you only get one chance, and if you blow it… you fail that round. No points for you.
‘Speed’ challenges are races to specific places, with the fastest player garnering the most points.
You can set the number of players, rounds, and types of Challenges for each round, including an option for Random selection of Challenge types.
Trophy Whores will probably want to pick this expansion up for the SEVEN EASIEST TROPHIES EVER DESIGNED.
Really. It took just under an hour to unlock them all… and I took smoke breaks.
I was disappointed that there were no ‘Showtime’ or ‘Crash’ challenges, but hey… they gotta leave something for the next bit of DLC, right?
Another downside of the expansion was the color pallette and sounds. Pop-up windows and indicators, as well as the menu system, are all done in pastels with festive streamers and confetti. Seriously? When did Burnout take visual cues from fabric softener ads? While in the menu screens you’ll notice an annoying amount of background chatter, applause, and party noisemakers. I’m grinding my teeth just thinking about it.
The new game type is a welcome addition for current Burnout fans who have real-life face-to-face friends. With no online elements, I can’t recommend this to anyone who games alone, but if you have company at the house, and they are gamers, you’ll want to pick this up.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The Sims 3 Release Date - PC

The Sims 3 is set to release on June 2, 2009. The Sims 3 is an upcoming computer game in the popular and critically acclaimed.
Sim houses and neighborhoods will be entirely in one continuous map, and the developers state that "What you do outside your home now matters as much as what you do within." All the Sims in the neighborhoods age and live out their lives simultaneously, no matter where the player is in the game. (More at Wiki)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Dead Space On The Wii Announced

Looks like Nintendo will finally open up to a seriously blood-filled-limbs-everywhere game. It’s about friggin’ time. IGN got the first info, Like always!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Get Killzone 2 Beta Code for Free

Preorder Killzone 2 at Gamestop so you could get an early look?
Announced via the ’semi-official’ Playstation blog ThreeSpeech, Sony and Guerrilla have decided to bump up the demo release by a few weeks.
You can get a demo code this Thursday if you per-order the game in gamestop. If you can't and need microsoft points, get free microsoft points today.
Resident Evil 5 Demo Available On PS3 (PSN) TODAY!

I’m reasonably sure today is Monday, but apparently someone at Sony thinks it’s Thursday… I’m okay with that. (You know what this mean!)
That's right, RE5 demo is out for PS3 user. Yeap, the same demo all the Xbox 360 owners was enjoying last week. After all that time, PS3 user finally can enjoy it also. You can expect to find 2 levels from the full game, and online co-op.
Not sure why we’re getting the special update to the store, but you know…(Not Really)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Killzone 2 Release Date - PS3 and Xbox 360